French Year 10 - 'Figuring It Out' Challenge
Keira in Year 10 has spent some of her time in lockdown going online to read French newspapers Le Point and Le Monde.
Seeing the current world news from the point of view of a different country, particularly that of our closest neighbour, is always interesting!
From reading these newspapers, Keira has found and translated 20 new items of vocab for you (thank you, Keira).
Le Monde
L’épidémie - the epidemic
Conseil scientifique - scientific council
Dont la France - including France
Vaccin - vaccine
L’OMS - WHO (World Health Organisation)
Le rapport - the report
À démissioner de - to resign from
Le chiffre - the number
Sousestimé - underestimated
Des sociétés - companies
Le Point
Eurodéputés - MEPs
Les îles - the islands
Séisme - earthquake
Nouvelle Calédonie - New Caledonia
Les îles Loyauté - The Loyalty Islands
Veglas - ice
Crues - floods
Le grand froid - the great cold
Un maître espion - a master spy
À la cour d’Angleterre - at the English court
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